Saturday, April 17, 2010

Randomness and the blissful existence..

Lost in the air like a polythene , tugged away safe in the wind .
little good byes may be , but just a passing smile .
Can somebody hear me , i am screaming from so far away .
Morning wouldn't haunt me now , evening would eclipse away


ashok said...

where are you going ?????
Do the flying but not Away.
Away from us or self ??
Neither is possible ,
Away creates a new relation ,
a relation joined by a distance .
Away or near mean the same ,
near still means separated by a distance ,and Away too .
So do the flying ,neither Away nor near

TrAnSgReSs said...

your comment is just like the way i have written ... its going nowhere... but really like the randomness .!!
and i like the away and near irony.

btw i read it again ,,,,,, wao wao wao wao wao woa !!!!!
amazing this one is

Where mind is without fear ... where fetters are broken .....and my insolence is revered . You are welcome !!!