Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blame it on your self.

Accusation , Pin Pointing , Blame Games !

You do that , you pick fist full of mud and you throw at the other person ... you were hurt therefore you will make it sure you make the other person feel bad as go ahead with the vitriolic attack, but then at that moment we forget we are not just attacking the other person but in turn 1st we are spoiling our hands by picking up the weapon of mud.

In order to attack we forget that we are 1st degrading ourselves and coming to a level where we castigate the other person .we hold the fist of full of mud 1st in our own hands and only then throw at the other person . Also you never know in the span of aiming we might not aim right and more often the half of it drops down in the projection trajectory .... may be only few particles reach the person .But you forget you picked the whole of it .

The total act of picking up and aiming at the other defiles your image . The other mite just laugh it away .


shubham said...

Very very sad. It feels like it had been written by a 10 year old rather than a fully grown (almost) adult.

TrAnSgReSs said...

what do you mean almost ???
you dont like it ..!!! okay !!!!
but sound lampooning

nirmala said...

its a good thought , one must always try to forgive even if someone else has done wrong to you . that would make you a better person . instead of lampooning . just forgive

nirmala said...

i am reminded of a rahims doha ,

jo toko kaaanta boye , taaako bow tum phool .

toko phool ka phool hai , baaako hai tirsool

Shubham said...

Uff!!! more that i don't understand...

ashok said...

If a 6 years old child comes up to you & says seriously that you have stolen his toy .What would be your response ??
Would you feel bad ??
would you laugh it off ??
would you show some empathy & try to know how he came to this conclusion ?
Why I took the example of a child is the reason that more often than not such accusations are childish in nature .A well-rounded personality does not accuse but sort out the things face to face .
If someone is childish ,it is his problem .
Dont succumb to his childish pranks.

Where mind is without fear ... where fetters are broken .....and my insolence is revered . You are welcome !!!