I don't understand the concept of an atheist , they call themselves as the non believers ,they denunciate gods existence , they do not even care to question the existence of any superpower residing in the universe . They blatantly abjure the prevalence .
Where as a theist, a believer , lives life,day in and day out in reverence of the same superpower , which they themselves accept is beyond explanation but believe that it pervades. they believe, i emphasize just "believe" that the energy of some form penetrates all forms living or non living .
For putting their point on to the table of ratiocination they become extremely possessive and bring forth the fanaticism. They fight and argue endlessly only on their basis of their belief. They might not have any proof but they fight to safeguard their fundamental understanding of their own existence and they can never have that shaken .
The other side of table sits the argumentative atheist who fights for the non existence and feels glorious enough that it has no such concoctions about some existence of god etc. They feel wise and worthy of explanation and renouncing the belief of of a theist.They don't realize with same fanatic attitude they take part in the bickering.They fight with the same fundamentalism, just that the difference is, that the reasoning is in support of the non believers .
I feel their is precisely no difference between atheist and a theist. Both are staunch believers
one just believes and one truly believes in not believing at all. If I mute their discussion its difficult for me to decide who is on which side.
The closest to me is an agnostic , who switches the role on either side . Who does not believe but does not stop the cognition. He is ever ready to take in whatever makes him believe .May be, he does not believe, but he questions the existence .He participates but not to conclude , he is not fanatic he might be passionate, he does not blindly follow weather believing or non believing...!
I say he is the closest, as he is closest to the truth , he closest to reality , he is closest to being "gNostic". He is closest to experiencing it!
Agnosticism leads the path to experiencing the god , becoming a nostic, and then you do not need to sit across the table and fight. You don't have to prove to the world , you would have experienced GOD! you don't have to be a believer or a non believer . You have witnessed it and now you don't have to testify . This is the ultimate pedestal to achieve while undergoing the human revolution of your spiritual self .
Although unclear, or maybe too much for me to understand, i like the way this article starts. The Atheist and theist bickering across tables is interesting. Rest i did not understand. Btw, where can i join the human revolution of my spiritual self... :)
i think you should read spiritual articles more often , only then your brain would start accepting such thoughts , you are too new..!!!
btw.. that would be the starting of the human revolution of your spritual self
As I understand atheists ,agnostic & theists is very simple ,,,,atheist is one who does not believe in existence of God .Two names I will mention ,,,one industrialist Kirloskar ,& another a well-known actor Ashok Kumar .Both died at ripe age of more than 85 years ,very successful in their respective fields .Ripe age I am mentioning since they lived this long without feeling the existence of God.Mind it they are not the only ones but millions like them who never displayed their atheism blatantly like god-believers who are pompous in their displays through rituals,jagrans ,satsangs etc.
Not only these millions of indiviuals who you can categorise as phoneys,there was a movement ,still there ,which through philosophical arguments reached a conclusion that there cannot be a God,this movement is known by the name ''Communism'.Though its core economic policies are undergoing change ,but its influence is still strong in more ways than one ,,,,green & environment movements are its off-shoots .
Agnostic is one whose basic paradigm is '''I donot know whether God exists or not because data proving its existence is not sufficient ''Again there are millions of followers of this line of thinking .
Leave aside individuals in this case for you may think they are misguided souls ,look at one of two great religions of the world ----Buddhism & Jainism ----both are atheistic religions .Buddhism through philosophical studies has reached a conclusion that there cannot be a Creator for if there is a creator whose job is to create ,then he is not the absolute creator since he is under compulsion or obligation to create ,,,,he is not free then .
It is just the crux of their reasoning ,though there are volumes written on it .
So donot talk of bickering as if some kids are arguing on some petty matter.
Coming to believers ,God has given one of the finest organs in brains ,& to the best of my knowledge God has never asked its followers not to use it .God has made everything in this world ,,,,and it includes atheists & agnostics too ,,,why believers should have grudge against them .
If God is so powerful why come to its defence as if he is weak .Let God defend itself ,he is capable enough .
hmmm... i have no words after that though . but i still have something to say . when i talk about bickering , they are not fighting for god . they are fighting on god.
they are not taking his side . they are safeguarding their own existence !as i mentioned this is what they have been brought with . that persisting thought weather god exists or it does not exists is the basis of their fundamental faith .
I like what you said about atheist you never involved themselves in any kind of argument to prove their point . i would not call them atheist i would call them gnostic ! they don't need to give any explanation they they might have witnesses their fundamental of the faith in life . mite not name it god.!!! as i say their is fine line between atheist and gnostic!
though coming up religions and beliefs is something very different my point here was to draft a transition towards an elevation.
btw ,gnostic s find God as imperfect,a bad creator !!!!!!.
They have removed the most defining characterstic of god.
Dan Brown who wrote ''da vinci code ''That almost shook christians basically brought out gnostic traditions in christianity .
Dont assume atheists or agnostics are just a step away from being theists.
They have been here since the time god was invented .
Dont be righteous or presumptuous about believes in god .
What a discussion.!!
I am confused to obey or not to obey God..!!
Good job. I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
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