You don't realize the tentacles of addiction until one day you decide to raise you hands stretch out and breath . You fail miserably in doing that .You stand scandalized as soon as you see your self struggling out of the mammoth's prehensile fangs . Quite comfortable are you there ?isint it . with its touch and the warmth . less that you know , that he is not gonna let you go ...well actually you are very well apprised of this act. but you choose to keep your eyes closed or make your self comfortable in the ever encompassing and strifeling arms which were once around your feet and now reached your neck.
Strength and determination breaks and you fall on your knees , but are not able to rip apart the killer fangs . no matter how much it is tried they just pull you back .It is then you realize how easy it is to give in , but is near to impossible to even think to giving it up .
But for me its not the fault of the mammoth . He was never so strong . he was always waiting just there with open arms and you never left the opportunity to go an hug him . he entangles you more only because you close you eyes more . He sucks more out of you because he knows you are allowing him to.
He says in his white well dressed way "i am injurious to health " but you never mind giving up yourself to his open arms . its no fault of his . it was not his choice it was always your choice .
He would not let you go , until he has taken all the love YOU wanted to give him . the moment you decide to love your self and not love the mammoth , the fangs will open up . there shall not be any struggle ... there shall not be any fight ... you shall breath the pure air.... just as before .... live life for your self !

The Significance of the picture with the date ???
I could not relate to the date ,,,what is the significance ?
i don't know ...
but i want it to be there
Beep Beep Sutta na mila...
who is this anonymous!!!!
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