A power to know things without consciously having to give a reason as to why? Does it really happen, half the world tells me the scorpions - the horoscope sign, are really good with it. I am not sure weather i am, in spite of being one. Or it can be that being a Scorpio i know weather if it really works or not- if at all they have a strong sense of intuition as they say....
Is there really some divine intervention that tell us in a secretive way whats going to happen or is it just the the wild guess that you have before the activity which draws your attention later.I doubt if its really a wild guess anyway. I feel its just an implicit reaction before facing a situation. A condition where you try and submerge in the overtly feared and impatiently expected liquid tanks.You try both one after the other, try and breathe for a while as you are in it.You experience and feel it , and then believe that you are ready for the event.When the task does take the course and the outcome is there... you go... i knew it! I had an intuition.
How many times do we really realize when the good happens.We never look back.WE always wanted it and happy to have it.As good is always more than welcome.When its about the positive outcome we are so over whelmed that we never revert back in time and think - did i had an intuition that i would win. there is no need to go back into the retrospective. And when there is a need, like in a situation where it goes against your odds, you remember the dip you took before.
Having an intuition, i believe is just coming out of the closet and admitting - "I have negative approach towards things and in order to deal with it I see all the sides of the coin before hand . I fear all the options before they happen. I try and live the moment in future for every possible case in just fraction of seconds". If you are a winner, you do not care to think back about the pre-dealing, as heart always wants what you mind expects out of the situation, and when you get it there is no looking back. You are any way in a positive winning land, and far away from negative realms. But, on the other hand if you do loose, you knew it already! As you had already lived the moment. Lived the moment before hand, to experience what you are feeling now.you are prepared and you say i knew it- I had an intuition.
Well now, how good is it to have an intuition , to feel feared? How good is it to think negative before hand and not expect with whole heart what you really want . Why invest in your energies in thinking of the worst than keep the spirits around positive. Whats the harm in being a Pollyanna?
Does thinking later that you had an intuition , and having to know it before hand ,would it make you feel any better, does that intuition drama rehearsal of varied options make you a stronger person anywhere. Does it really change your reaction when you experience the situation live!! NO , you are still heart broken when you loose. You still react as if you never expected it would happen and you still feel new to the decision(only later to admit you knew it:) ).
May point here is when unconsciously , even after you you do your dress rehearsal of seconds it doesn't change what you expect .Why treat yourself to cowardice game of intuition anyway. Just be out and out positive winner , feel bad when you loose .Cry when you get the unexpected....and leave the fearful Cassandra behind.

Intuition is a sumup of your own experiences & knowledge.
An expert has more intuition in his field than a layman .
It is a likely outcome that your mind has processed faster than you can think immediately with the feelings of a similar situation in the past .
As many people consider it a sort of future-telling ,it is wrong ,since people judge some situations on the basis of their deep-rooted thoughts .
If ,for example ,someone is very fearful by nature ,he is more likely going to term a new situation as negative .
He will come correct in a few instances not because of his intuition but purely on the basis of ''law of averages''.
If to me any intuition comes ,either in an event or while dealing with a person ,I do review to see one more time if I have not grasped any signal that my unconscious mind did .
Thats about it .
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