I don’t know if I should hate the experience . but I hated the sight , I hated the time when I was thinking what might be going on in the minds of the parents of the girl .
The parents with their daughter have travelled long distance to meet the boys family , almost ready to accept proposal .They come in with the optimistic attitude but the attitude changes eventually after they see the reactions of the prospective boys family , the reactions they get to see are not bad or offensive but yes, not optimistic as much as with what the girls family had arrived . and from that moment onwards I start feeling the awkwardness in the air .
How can the her parents act like that , what makes them act like as if they are selling a product . I am not angry but I am feeling pity on them. they don’t deserve it , that feeling should be of being proud , the girl says "yes" to the proposal may be because of the parents pressure,her dad has retired and is not keeping well . I felt yesterday she has no power or a stand with BA , MA and all higher studies in best possible education modes , she is still helpless , in no way can she say no! though she is being asked by all, but it’s like well rehearsed! she just cannot be expected to say "no"!

She has to accept ! she says “whatever is good and you think is right for me shall be my decision”. I hate the exhibitionism of women in order to get them married, she could not speak but of course burst out into tears sitting in front of about 15 people , a timid girl , being gawked at by all but the perspective boy. parents trying to push and strike a chord . “ of yes she can talk” of yes she can cook “ oh she can dance ! Wah! Why can’t she speak for her own self. May be if she does she would be thought of as too modern and if she doesn’t she looks like a commodity that is being sold .and on top of that if there has been no conformance from the boys side . the girl’s parents are almost broken .
It’s like they stand nowhere after crossing a distance of miles in hot summer afternoon . trying to smile even at a time they are scared to hell and then going back with no positive sign at all..
I hate it. i am disturbed and I feel helpless as I can’t do anything about this antediluvian process which can never be changed .
I respect women for leaving their life behind their parents their studies their room their friends their books their dresses their relatives their life their dreams , and stand there to be accepted and taken into a house where she knows no one !just for the sake of being taken!
The way she used to talk to parents she can’t now may just on phone . it’s more like a dog when its left for a day home when his owner goes out to work . he has no choice but to go.. he doesn’t know where is he being left , he just trusts his master . he believes no one is going to hit him there … he just believes the day school would as good as home , he would eat drink play just like home… he doesn’t ask or question just stays there for the day sitting there at the corner finding out that nothing is alike.
Worse in the case of a girl. She stays there for life .
I was a staunch feminist . but after this event may be I feel no one should have a girl child , because what the girl has go through at this stage of life (I know it’s a part and parcel of life , but still)and primarily because parents don’t deserve to behave the way they do just to give their daughter away !!! It’s a big insult for the daughter to see them that way! Peace Out!