Its amusing to me that how one of the best conversations i have ever had, ( when i say best i mean interesting and the conversations in which i spend all the time i have and i still feel "dint we just start talking about it") are the ones which start from talking about personalities and stupidly enough about start signs. I get really excited if some one i am talking to is a scorpion too. Today the same things happened, this wasn't the 1st time when some one told me i am weird in a good way. I have always believed in putting forward my point, my thoughts in front of people strongly enough and people just listen and respond you are the 1st girl i have seen who is like that... or may be they would start like you are the 1st girl i have seen who believes in such thoughts..Its always nice to hear those statements, no matter how wrong they sounded right now because i left them open ended but they always sound nice when people say them after hearing me out, and they them with proud smile on thier face. Ok! i might not be making sense by now as to what i exactly wanted to say but yeah its just a nice feeling so i wanted to start with the thought. I was may be singing and working like how i am ... and he said "So Sonal dont you always stay happy", i always see you happy and smiling, I was shocked to hear that. Not that i am always sad. but it funny that my peers feel i am always super happy because i was just normal and working. But that's the truth , I might have my share of sadness and i might crib about stuff that presently going on in life i do appear to the worlds one of most happy people around.And i he just asked my my start sign. I said "Scorpio". As soon i said that there was this affirming smile on my bosses face.He said i knew there was something weird in you that's there in me too. I am also a scorpion. and now i like you more :). With so many instances in past that i have talked to him i have always felt like asking him what was his star sign , not that i believe in it so much. but yes i believe in one thing "The Scorpion Intuition". So like i said mannier times before in discussions with him i have felt probably he is a scorpion, but i never asked. but today may be he had the same intuition when he saw me singing may be. Its just about karmic connection the discussion got stretched from just start sign and personalities to life and karma and suffering and then my favorite topic of Laws of Attraction in the world and how you can get what you wanted . As i talked about it i realized how weak i had become in my own belief of this philosophy. Some where within me i have given up already . I have started feeling believing in the totally opposite and that is just taking me no where. My mother in the end of the day re affirmed and reminded me that i always said i can get what i want if i really wanted and in past i have proved it, that got it. All i need to do is start believing and from today on wards i re affirm my faith .I start a count down to 180 days of FAITH!!!!Shall keep you posted as i have my prayer well posted!!
This was something I was looking forward to read. Great motivation for someone who are actually looking for some. :-)
I am wary of people who always keep smiling ,to me it looks they are sending out a message ,that is ,they are making efforts at smiling on purpose .
And what could be the unconscious reason ?
Egotism .
Always seeking confirmation of self .
Always in the need of being patted.
Smile or not to smile in a society is culturally determined .
Try smiling at people in India ,you will make them apprehensive or surprised ,and if you happen to smile at boys ,well ,you know the side-effects .
A girl in India will ignore a smile from a boy .
For example ,saying thanks too is culturally determined .In western countries ,it is one of manners but in India ,simply a nod of head is sufficient instead of muttering ''thanks ''
It is not that we lack manners but saying ''thanks'' is a case of being over courteous here .
I have no problem with the smile but with the dictum ''keep smiling ''.
Paulo Coelho said ''the whole universe conspires to get you if you want something very badly ' .
Sharrukh said in a movie ''poori kainaat jutt jaati hai aapko dilwane mai jo aap dil se chah te ho ''.
Quotes are not exact verbatim .
This is a poetic way of saying things ,the exact meaning is ''be persistent ''.
Coming to your conclusion ,---cutout faith , it looks you are making a plea to the Divine ,
---- be persistent and hardworkin,thats all ,it is something that has really worked in real life .
So simple and so true .
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