Since past two days I am thinking and rethinking the concept of believing. What does this word signify - Believe in something . What is this act of "believing" making you do . It makes you instill trust and all the faith in something. A deep sense of superficial relationship is made to establish. We have in long run believed in almost everything, specially things that have no existence.The absence of explanation to events, creatures and actions makes us believe in the non existent. We create a fictional character to believe in. To give it all the powers and to give it the responsibility of everything that is taking place around us. It's so easy to believe in something that doesn't exist. You don't need any explanations to back it or give any kind of reasoning. The existence of everything around inexplicable, is so magnificent, and unmoving that if some one , even if a fictional character is given the responsibility of it existence, it become a powerful character to have a believe in. There arises no question to question the existence of this belief , as there exists no valid counter points to weaken this un-daunting blind trust. In fact this belief has done wonders in changing people from what they were to what they are. It made some leaders and has made some the followers. This believe has become so deep rooted that it made the saint a murderer and a murderer a saint. There is nothing wrong in believing, it helps you achieve a lot more that you think you could. Well of course it shows a new found path which you have to traverse now, with new experiences with new learning, but have you ever thought are these learnings your own? These mistakes are your own? They have occurred because you believed in something, these mistakes occurred because you chose to follow a blind belief . The path that was taught to you.The path that you followed, that made you create errors and then learn from them. But, I think the mistake occurred when you started following. You started believing in order to find explanations to things, but the fundamental deep rooted explanation to your belief is "a belief" in itself. It is a belief with no logical backing. So how in the world do you think it can give you answers. To get one answer, you have to support your belief, and in order to support your belief you have to create that many more fictions.
It then becomes an infinite loop of fictional non explanations.Where you just keep hiding or crawling in order to find your way to the light.

Have we ever thought no matter how much we do believe, we still long for the explanation for the existence of things. As no reasoning is complete we keep travelling endlessly in search for the truth, trying to avoid the basic flaw in the establishment of theory of believing.
I suggest in not believing in believing, believing a faking game! The Leader want you to believe in them, to achieve the fictional. He expects you to follow him to get all the answers. But have you ever wondered what made him do this. How did he end becoming a leader.Was he a follower ever?If yes , then he could not be a leader. He is today a leader and had thousands of followers only because he believed in his own self. I am not against the leaders they are in no way wrong! they have all the explanations no doubt, of course they have, as they believed in themselves.They did not pursue following, they objected, they were rebellious, they were against the establishment of fictional beliefs themselves. And they created there own , they made they own ways , and they created there own fictions to satiate their longing-ness to the inexplicable instead of believing blindly in the already existing. I regard the leader more than the followers , i feel that the followers kill themselves to be someone else. When they follow they try to pretend to be someone they emulate, they try and be the other person and invest all their energies in becoming someone else. They therefore remain followers forever following and cultivating the suicidal path.
If a rose tries to become a lotus , or a lotus tries to become a rose .They shall learn a lot of new things, but about each other and not about themselves. They will have to forget themselves and be the other. They shall invest all their energies into becoming the other. The famous principal of "tarey zameen pe" says Every child is unique-I modify and say not only every child every human being is unique. You shall preserve your uniqueness and evolve from within. But if you invest all you life in believing the inexplainable, following the fictional, you are wasting all your energy in this cloning.

Cloning should not be our aim, Metamorphosis should the be ultimate goal. We shall work on our own self. Bring out our own belief system. Not believe in believing , but instead believe in not believing!
We should make our minds mature enough that we accept the world as it it, laud the nature. live with a omnipotent shapeless power. Eradicate the need for an explanation. And not gift the onus and responsibility of all that occurs to fictional character.If we require, we should look for all explanations within us and work towards blooming our own rose or lotus in the most perfect way.We should all strive to become leaders and not misguide people to be followers. Appreciate people who do things differently.
1 comment:
believing is nothing but fundamental notions .
When someone ,as in the image of blackboard in your write-up says ,it basically means not to believe in anything unless you have thought over it ,tested it ,& made it your well-argued notion .
Otherwise a belief remains just a rule to be crammed-up.
From a text-book variety of learning that offers beliefs/notions as given --one never imagines even to question those --- you have to de-learn your school education .
From a very basic paradigm ,that is ,if all the people are bad or all the people good .From each of these paradigms ,a set of different notions will emerge ,& from each of these notions /beliefs ,different arguments will emerge.
Similarly ,for all religious beliefs.
Once you get to basic paradigms ,confusion goes away .
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