The green fronds coming out of the lifeless shrubs nearby a wrecked pavement, made me think why was i even forced to look at it by the will of god when i was driving .It caught my eye, and i was stuck. what ran through me i don't know and in no time i took out my deceptive looking cheap camera phone and took its picture.

You don't find it beautiful? I care less about the beauty, this one instilled in me an immediate spasm of strength .a hope to live among to dead. the spring of hope to make a living without any support. this one dint care what its immediate surrounding depicted, in order to turn the environment as its reflection its sprung up green all day long, trying to manage the stiffness in the absence of any sign of support, water or soil. it stood there, glowing like as if nothing had gone wrong. Do we in real life get carried away by environment and surrounding circumstances. Do we at most times let them over power our positive ray hope? what is it? A simple bush could does in life and we just give in but don't even quit completely! Life is all about standing still till it just slips away and you don't even get to know its gone . whats the point sitting and waiting for it to go, when you yourself can still go all around it. There is nothing wrong in living when you stand still and keep fighting. But hell shall break loose if you sit and try to live for the sake of it, waiting to die -half wrecked.
some sane intelligence is portrayed by those plants, the dead chose to die and greener chose to live, and none affect each others state of mind!
Don't we have something to learn from everything:)
1 comment:
This is what happens to us as well .
We die for the new generations to live.
Without destruction creation is not possible .
It also means we have to shed off our old dead skin in order to live more alive ,much as snakes do .
It also means we have to empty the cup ---the brains---to fill it with more tea .
It also means we have to let go our fixed & old notions to renew our personality .
Or we run the risk of not growing .
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