Friday, August 27, 2010
where did they go??
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Working with your Spirituality
I have seen what spirituality does to you; I have personally gone through two different ways! And they were not just plain different they were poles apart. It was a difficult shift, a change from one to the other, a change which is responsible for my metamorphosis. Like if people doubt the process of proselytization, I would disagree partially. I vouch for its powerfulness, provided the subject is willing to follow. When I say follow, I don’t mean blindly. The intent and the willingness to change does the needful. A good convert process also depends a lot on dedication with which the missionary keeps pursuing your nascent actions. A guide is required who is not just well read and experienced but has extremely high level of logical reasoning. Its more like a battle which you have with yourself, questioning your sense of judgment as to why you followed something before which you now perceive as flawed, and weather what you want to put your foot into now is worth the agonizing drift.
People, parents and society - question your belief, which in turn gives your chance to negotiate harder, why? Why should I change my spiritual way? Is what you ask yourself? It’s as if faith is being sold out. At this time my friend “the pursuing” makes all the difference. It is what keeps you in the loop, and still keep questioning.
What I don’t understand is why someone would spread or eventually impose their spirituality on others? What good does it earn? Spreading of the law for sure does not ensure abundant good luck if they have that in mind, and well if you have received the talisman, why would you want to leak out the secret that nobody other than you know of as yet. The notion I don’t approve of is, that the propagation of the law becomes the mission of their life. Probably it is the sheer dedication towards your faith and religion which I can not connect to.
I believe in flexibility of thoughts, I see religions and spiritual philosophies overlapping each other. None, so stringent that they drive you into things, which hold no importance. I want to know more and delve in depths, I choose to adopt that I want to. They say there is no point until you follow all the rules and regulations, my contrary point view shall be that the bite of an apple is good enough to judge the taste of the fruit. I have enjoyed the reasoning of one and the other. The stories and rituals for either, and I have questioned my existence as a believer of both, time and again. In the spiritual world of overlapping territories and touching tangents, there is thin line which blind folded believers cross, they land up in fields of religion. Stuck in vicious practices, in the name of law. Scared, to open eyes, no matter even if the brave ones try, they would again be forced to shut them. But sadly, this is not how is it should be, this is not how the environment work’s, everything in the environment has a reasoning, a logic, and not a story, but the problem is not every one knows that reasoning and logic, everyone just know the story.
Philosophy of life should drive you to explore life, may be after a class of basics. Follow what suits you out of the set. Follow what you have reasoning for, “Follow in order to Lead your Life”. There is nothing wrong in changing some rules, after you experienced something and you learnt from it, as a sane human you might not repeat it, even if, not repeating the act goes against your spiritual morals. My point here is, that these do’s and don’ts were listed by men as an inference of their experiences. They did not test the veracity of these principals on every human, did they? How many test cases do you think they must have run in order to pass them as law, which can invariably be applied to all under every circumstance? Change is the only constant thing, and what course these life philosophies take over the period of years is dependent totally on these constant changes and experiences. I have always looked forward to mould my spiritual self in favor of the thought that impresses my inquisitive mind, and the thought which answers my queries, affects my way of thinking from the very next time. Whatever soothes you mind enough, even what releases you from the shackles of rituals, is spirituality for you.
Its not what you believe in, it is how you believe in a thing that makes all the difference, even you if you pray earnestly to a Cola Cola Bottle, it works. Prayer makes all the difference. Prayer not to anyone outside not even cola cola bottle, your prayer to the within, the inner darkness, the fundamental black hole. Prayer illuminates you, you need no sholkas or listen to any stories or wear any rings. What you need to do is just sit with yourself and talk with no voice, and listen without hearing. Explore yourself, sort thing out, accept the mess, take responsibility, make a list, plan your day and then wake to live as you thought. When you enter this state of knowing yourself you would love people around and the environment more than before, it is an implicit love for the surroundings, because they play a role in accomplishing what you planned. Believing earnestly in what you pray for is my way of spirituality.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
let me "peeeeeeeeee"