Thursday, May 22, 2008


life makes u expect ,so that u can give ur best.
or life makes u expect .. only because u had given ur best.
its funy...

u know u are good at somethng , but still there are people who are better than u , at that ...
people seem impresed and attracted to ur personality , but that surely dsnt give a garantee that u now have a fan follwing.
its stupid to say...just belive in ur own self.even if u believe in your self (which is important)u will have to belive in others ... because they play a major role in wat ultimately happens. neway cut the crap.
thngs change. and u learn to mould yourself in the way they become.

u are like water u take shapes of difrent kind.if your life is a huge empty vessel. then ...u , like water would take its shape gradualy. sit and eat at home and....njoy from one edge to the other ....and take a shape of a big fat ass.
thats also a part of life.

be ready for the unexpcted.. because you never know what lies on the other side of the live life as it comes simply what i am doin rite now.. one of the most importants works that i mite have to do,, would not be on my mind ... when i get up in the morning .. i have my car smashed but i m not reminded of it may till the time i go down to it where it is parked and see it.!i have to meet my old frnds but i wudnt remember or think of it till they call me at that moment and ask me to be there.i wudnt noe what i need to do this evening busy reading a book ,,,untill i get a call to go out for play...and belive my life is working real fine!!i hate making plans now... simply beacuse then i expect myself to go by them.

and i dont follow thm or etc etc happens intead what had had to happen.and i would be to square one.!

its fun.. its intresting this is no peice of advice.. i can aford to do this . i m priveledged
but sadly i m no more " Planned and Orchestrated"
but its diffrent....
tell me somthng i will listen to it.
give me somethng i will take it.
show me somethng i wudnt be amused...!!!

i m shockproof


ashok said...

you have changed the whole template ,it really looks nice .
It almost looks you want to shake your life to change its appearance.
It is always good to reflect on ,change perspective ,shift goals---it means trying ,making efforts .
A few thoughts are lurking in my subconcious mind ,I would like to share.
Donot believe in destiny .Donot believe everything is destined to happen .This is a myth.Why God invented intelligence/heart if all IT wanted was people to fulfill their work assigned in accordance with their destinies like puppets.If God has destined me to die in a road accident today at 6pm,something will make me leave my office & go to a busy road where someone with a car would hit me ,& that someone who is going to hit me was forced by God to drive his car on that road and ram into me .You really feel we are just puppets ,me & that someone,and ,by implications all of us.Do you feel ,we have no mind of our own,no free -will ,no heart .
Secondly ,donot believe in blessings .If you do believe ,then you hv got to believe in curses as well .Do you really think ,this world is running because of blessings and curses.If this were so ,at least India would be the greatest nation ,since elderly people shower blessings in wholesale here,and have been doing so for centuries.
Donot ever believe in luck.The most useless thing we can ever feel.
Daily we go on road and come back home alive & safe ---Is it not the luck --luck of life that is being granted to us daily with all those dangers around.
Do we need any other luck ????
Do we really need luck for ---lets say ----for passing a test !!!!!
Are we too greedy ???
Do we have to invoke prayers of God and seek blessings of elders simply to pass a test !!!???
So much greed !!!where would it take us !!!!

But believe in Efforts .
also believe in 'self' .
Dont make 'self' so brittle that it can easily shattered by an event.
For me you will always be the most intelligent ,capable ,hearty ,beautiful kid around for whom I have deepest respect from my heart.

TrAnSgReSs said...

uncle... all u say is so much true.. its just ... my thots random. prent state of mind.!! and wat u say is partially acceptable and partially arguable...hehe
thatwill go on forever.. thanx for being there .. and always showing faith in me....

TrAnSgReSs said...

hey shibin u are too kool man.. u ahve this indside u so much intelectual. so deep i never knew u this way... reallly loved the way u commented.. amazing variety of thots... its inspired me to rite more .. thnx

Shrimant said...

Yeah, I feel that way at times. What's the point of planning when it doesn't turn out that way?
I still think we need to have some sort of a plan as to what we want to do in life and how to go about it. At the same time I think it's important to not feel too attached to those goals and plans. I know it's hard but I think in the long run it works. Just be happy with whatever u get, there's so much joy to be had in each person's life. Keep believing that things will turn out alright even if life isn't going where u want it to go.

Just my thoughts and things that i try to do.

Anonymous said...

now i would be at a more realistic level while commenting on the whole concept of life and its complexity......
it is true that we experience a lot of confusions in life.....wat we hav to do and wat we dnt hav to.....its so very dogmatic that we generally become so complacent about making choices.......
we tend to hide our inability to carry out our plans and tasks by stating it all to be taken care of by our so called luck and destiny......
the same ways we justify our every act of wrongs and blaming it on something and someone, but us......
though we never let go the chance of appretiating ourselves for the jobs we done well and the tasks tat we undertake successfully by terming it all to be a result of our ultimate planning, brilliance and hardwork.........we are quite partial, when it comes to taking appreciations and taking resposibilities for our goof ups......
now what has life to offer us......its a series of choices allthroughout.......we choose between the right and wrongs....the good and the bads........but more often we have to choose between two wrongs.....tats where the choices are difficult to make........
the way we prepare our academic life, the way we prepare ourselves to excel in sports, the way we enhance our lifes with knowledge......similarly we need to prepare the complete journey of our lives........the ultimate motives of our lives, what we intent it to come out as, how worthy can we make it to be..........
and nothin can be done in a day......and it all takes a whole lot of planning and efforts to achieve it all.......just show the seriousness towards it........
though i firmly believe that god has plans for us....but then we need to have plans for ourselves too.......
just the way an employer has plans for his employees and expectations too, god has appointed us for specific tasks to do in our lives....and he expects us to understand wat we are here for, and we need to impress GOD with our commitment and seriousness towards that cause.......
some get promoted and some get fired, some are progress and some fail, and some make it to the top level........
we just need to decide where do we want us to be in the league.....
PLAY ON.........

Where mind is without fear ... where fetters are broken .....and my insolence is revered . You are welcome !!!