a pre read thought -" may its one of those how to live a better life types of books which taught you what to do and what not to do"
and a post read thought .._ It IS , one of those books which tell you how to look towards your life...like normal, nothing extraordinary, yet in a diffrent way...
but somethng that made this peice of work special was....it does not tell you whats right and whats wrong , it has a guide book but its dosnt guide you. what it does is...it makes you break the world of illusions that u live in called^^ reality^^ for letting you know the reality ~of the actual world of ^illusion^!
a messiah who preaches , a messiah who follows , a messiah unguided~~ an messiah yet so reluctant.
" a good messiah hates nothing and is free to walk any path he walks" one the most powerful lines because of the part .. "he hates nothing". Hating is an act performed only when you want to perform it, when u feel u can do nthng about except hating. u sit there and hate the task itself. a good messiah would rather walk off...instead of sitting , waiting and hating. He has no time to hate.He is free to remain de attached.
"there is no problem so big that cannot be run away from"..-- i dont noe why i loved this one... not that i believe in it, but there is tottaly a diffrent way of looking at it...!!! it might have a negative connotation heading towards the theory of escapisim ,but to me it said.. like a good messiah would not look at a problem as a problem..if he wants to solve it ( run away or watver) he can solve it.!
the novel rotates around the fundamental concept of ^^loci of control^^...not in a way that you are the god and the world rotates around you .Rather it says the world is how u percieve it...you have the power to rule your enviorment because the enviorment is a reflection of your own self.you can control .
if u wish for somthng as small as a feather to a plane , imagine , think , so descreetly, so much so that you open your eyes and you find it floating in front of you. That is the power of longing and yearning that you realize the thing you wanted is there at that moment , and this satisfaction that you attain is much more , than what you would have attained when the real of it would have been presented before you. As the guide book says "" fictional characters are sometimes more real than people of bodies with heartbeats.
the book instills in you a self belief by making the "real world" a victim. at the cost of transformation from reality to illusion you step into a aura of confidence and power. "if you want freedom and joy so much , cant you see , its not any whre outside of you , say you have it and you have it act as if its yours and its yours"
it makes you belive every man is a messiah when u encounter a change in man who could say " i got to thinking wow, all i have to do is to stay with this this guy and there will be no problems , nothing bad will happen and all will be fine" into a person who who dint need any one excpet some rules of the guide book and the messiah in his dreams.
some lines which touched me the most were--
" if your happiness depends on what somebody else does , i guess you have a problem "
" stagnation can never be perfection , change is perfection".
"we can not die , we cannot hurt ourselves any more that illusions on the screen can be hurt . but we can believe we are hurt in whatevr agonizing detail we want we can belive "
and yet the messiah is killed because he was away from normal , diffrent , perfect becuase "he" was the change . and masses and the mob who thought alike , whose thoughts were the same and stagnant, thought of him as a black sheep.
but there is smthng which tells you by the end ... there is nothing right or wrong in the hand book of the messiah . its only if you want to accept it. that was all his learning and by the end would be yours too. he had learned to live and believe in what he had wanted .. that were his teachings and so he makes you belive that no matter what the "last line"of the "hand book" does say , time and space dimensions exist and its all an illusion .
but all said and done why did the cover say" adventures of a reluctant messiah"???
i kept searching for the answer to one of questions the messiah left unanswered " how can you choose a diffrent past?" literally or figuratively.and i realized i dint really learn what the book wanted me to by the end... you know why because the book itself told me " never to let a book replace my own thinking".
to choose a past is to choose a future,cuz by the time you choose a future and it occurs ,its is now in the past....and it is a past you have chosen.
I any case ,the past is always a chosen one.The choice may be right or wrong,but is always your own.Own up to your past.
i dont thnk u read the book.. but still u culd answer that doubt i had just like the messiah wud have answrd!like it says... there is a messiah in everyone.!
Basic theme running through the book is --we stay responsible no matter what happens
in our lives.As it says ---every event ,and the people in our lives are there because it is we who has invited them there in our lives.
Together with ----No problem is too big that you cannot run away from ----it is an ironic or paradoxical statement meaning you are free to run away from any problem,or event or people in your life .Choice is yours .So is the responsibility.
This is not one of those self--improvement books plenty out there----how to win friends ........,how to improve relations .........etc.Those tell you mere techniques.This the book that forces you to look hard at fundamentals,leaves the choice to you ----take or leave it.Not without reason ,it says at the end ----Everything in this book may be wrong .Book asks you to do thinking --part yourself .
In this backdrop ,now look at ---how to change your past.That just means you are free to negate your past .I can always wish my parents were richer ,had a big bunglow than a flat ,kids more studious---well endless such wishes.This is one such example of negating the past ,people forever lamenting the past.
Have you seen some vain sudden --rich people who pose as though they have been rich & cultured for generations.These people are changing thier past.
If we dont accept our Self in the present ,perhaps somewhere we donot accept our past.By negating our past ,we negate our Present ,our Self.
Shubam said it rightly ---own up your past .But usage of owning up gives me a feeling as if past is equivalent to a mistake that we should own up.Accept past without any value judgement.My past is mine ,like my body ,part of my self .Nothing more ,nothing less.
This also brings me to "majboori" --a word so often used.What is majboori ?? This merely our choice ,a decision.We can always run away from it -afterall no problem is too big .........
How many times we see adults /youngsters with pitiable expressions on their faces while doing something.Why do they feel it is their majboori .Why cant they think it is their choice /decision .And once they know it is their choice/decision to do a particular thing for whatever reason ,why cant they do it with heart ??Where is the room for self-pity in their choice .? It is better to run away than do something out of self-pity.
Well Sonal I can go on .Ilove discussing life ,the book is simply a reference.
As an aside ,whatever little I know of you ,I have never seen you feeling self--pity ,That is very very great.
Kudos. You not merely read the book but interracted with it like you do with real people ---energetically & emotionally.
There was no majboori ,you excercised your choice .
So proud of you.
thank you uncle.. so nice of u ... i dont noe. i felt ur coments were the extension of the book.!but i will personally dicsuss with you ur "past" wala concept.. i dint understand!
but thats okay. so what was ur favorite teaching from the book???some line that u really liked.!
and yes i dont do any thng in any "majboori". expect as u wud say.. " eating food " hahaha
There are many gems in the books .One amongst many is ''here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is complete or not ,if your alive it is n"t. " Keep expanding your horizons as long as you are alive.There is no retirement.
There is one urdu couplet that says " laash thi jo taeerti rahi ,doobne ke liye jindagi chahiye"
There are lots of dead bodies which just float ,if you want to drown you need life .
But forget gems ,its your interractions with the book that is very dear to me .
As regards 'majboori' ,even taking food is not majboori ,it is our choice.We can choose to forego food ,as Gandhi did or Medha Patekar .
Even if someone holds a gun & makes us do things against our wish ,we have a choice either to accept the bullet or do as he pleases.But always have one thing in mind ,either decision is my choice .It is i who has made that decision not that gun man .
Nice place you've got here !
read ur insights bout the bach book...i never quite came around to liking that book..or to acknowledge the "gems" of that book...but yeah one did stick around wid me too...
"there's no prob big enuf that u cant run away from :) ..."
read it again on ur blog....
but yeah had that book not given the vibe of a selfhelp book it'd be a rockstar in its genre.../
keep bloggin..
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