btw u would never know if its over , u can go on and on.
finaly u thnnk one more stroke can spoil
this is some of my work... in past two days
no escape.!!!!!
the cruel colourful world
मैंने देखे है सभी रंग दुनिया के... यह दुनिया यह दुनिया बरी रंगीली...
one lost soul in the whims and fancies of thw world stuck in the middle with a glass of wine. still hanging there but in no hope to drop out. no escape
this is the one i started with , dint even know how to mix clours and in how much quantity.. how to hold the brush .. or how give those strokes but just started. wanted to make somethng that representes my life at present clourful but full of thought cuting the other and every thot new in its own self. diffrent... sparkling.. bright and new and prominent.each thought, oh i mean the colour, has its shades of brightness. darkest to lightest. difrent schemes of same colour show.. how each colour is difrent from each other still being the same colour.
this was my first one panorama of colours.
NOT my Imagination BUT my ARt
this one i like the most and it is made speaciallly to be given to my favorite pal - yasha yashu yashi. watever it is.
actualy all that was in japanese. she just gt a tataoo done with yasha ritten . only beacuse japanese language has nothing called 'yash' . its either yasha or yashu. hehehe
i know its lil funny this painting is dedicated to yasha... i litrally went to google translator and typed yash and sonal and got those figures, the japanese characters..
well they were quite fun to draw.
the above one is yasha and sonal is writen in corner down right.
i like the background clour brown the most .this is cute and i wud gift it to her.
the beauty below
we appreciate what we see and do not even think about what we are not able to see.
this is a picture about the details of a tree, below the earth . roots and its hidden beauty. this painting of mine does not show the tree in itself except that i needed to show the trunk which leads to the roots. and Then as i see the unseen roots holding the fruits.
also wery peculiar are the shades of blue . doin which i took alot of time.
i like the grayness in this picture. this picture is in black and gray only . i see it as a man all broken inside standing alone in dark under the lonely tree. the clours of the leaves u can see are aswell black . as its dark.and they can not be seen as green .
Bees Humming