the three letter words , how easy were they to crack when they were only limited to those class room dictations every monday. Easy ,smooth , without much of conflict , what came to your mind you just wrote it and it was over, no ifs and buts , nothing seemed so ambiguous. you rushed back home with 10/10 hopping all over and were still thrown into the spasmodic stricture over "why in such bad handwriting ?"
Every age has its challenegs and so every obstacle faced seemed shuddery and torturous .may be every child would have thought lifes greener on the otherside of the hedge , life would be btter when we grow up away from these monday tests and dictations.....little do they know -its just the start , the turth is that lifes turns more difficult tougher worse intolllerable ...little do they know that these three letter words would would suck thier blood and haunt their dreams are they grow

handritings or topping the section 'II-B' is not the start of the success but instead an advent of a life long expectations . expectations which build over you , from you , are via you.
cause you urselves give the ones around, the liscence to expect because you lived upto them...
the moment you accept critiscim and live upto the circumstance of surmounting pressure you raise the pedestal of expectations and therefore propotionally the pressure .
its a cruel world out there , all its takes to build presseure is little thnikng , some words of unwanted expectations which seem suggestions. but what does it take to live up to these petty words of so called "wisdom"--- day and nights hardwork....stress.....agony.. black out
the consequences of both the acts might seem propotional but the effort put in to live up to them is quite dispropotionate and in not so shipshape.
in the grown up world "escape" is no option,you do or you die , life throws on your face and you are required to do says CAT and you have to be ready to become a RAT(three letter words) later that you agnize ( i repeat) escape is no this RAT race whether u are ahead of left far behind u would encounter people just there to deride you....mock at you .
i dont condemn these circumstances . The pressure is unavoidable , even if no one is here to buit it on to escape .every one has its room already allotted , and yes why not?its the world for the survival of the fitest..
my purpose of explaining here this likeness of the circumstances faced by the two age groups is only to open the eyes for the little ones sake, who are still blossoming . to tell them how important it is to njoy dance sing play laugh and exprience what they want to...becuase truly its that very time to do all of it .. no matter how much your parents say ' there is a long life ahead'.
this is the stage in which these little ones should not even come near those buildings of already alotted closed rooms , which sumount immense pressure. and if pushed into them at this stage they gotta stay there for long neway....and then suffocation takes it they say "there is time for every thing" ...and so the CHEK IN time time for these rooms has not yet arrived fr these pranksters.
Living each moment is important ...experiencing every act performed on this stage of life is mandatory . but experiencing just pressure from early years to the end of your life is a crime .
so just pamper them pamper them for now ... pamper the innoscence ... pamper the play ... pamper the follishness... pamper the talks 'so stray'... pamper the errors and the spelling mistakes .. pamper the little heads for whatever it takes...
perhaps its like a small plant in your gardern on which the flower blooms ,when we water it , take care of it , and save it from the winds and cold for it to expand its roots and grow so strong and firm we take utmost care.....
and once its stands there as a big tree ... its there alone arranges water , nutrients ,sunlight all on its many times do u get a chance to walk down the streeet and water this big tree.?its there all by its self in solitude facing the mildest winds to thundering blizzards all alone....becuase, it has too. n now no one saves it or takes away its pain....
and so the analogies make my task so simple...