I hate the word obligation .I hate it as it dilutes the feelings, the emotions.
When you say “obligation” what is it exactly that you are pointing out at? It’s usually pointed out at the emotional angst in which the other person is , probably the loss of words, usually this feeling is because of the thankfulness that is quite difficult to express otherwise. I totally detest this word because it quite conveniently degrades the feeling of respect and thankfulness towards the other person by tagging it as an obligation!
I understand no one helps the other if they do not want or if the other doesn’t deserve the aid, the words like “NO”, and “CANNOT” are coined to help you come out of that kind of a situation. But out of profound respect for someone or something you express your gratitude in case you are helped, it is usually misinterpreted as “Obligation”. I feel this word possesses a strong negative connotation which just surmises the actual feeling of gratification towards the other .
You might not always be feeling “small” or as someone who has been given a charity by being helped, that you tag the emotional outburst as “under the feeling of obligation”. People usually just express a thankful and appreciative gesture, they would want to do something in return, probably repeatedly just say Thanks! This I feel satiates the inner emptiness of not being able to convey the message really being thankful and not being obliged.
Life is all about give and take, helping others making other feel good ,doing good and spreading good. Its all a balanced act , one gives other receives, one gets up and the other falls . We should probably not count who’s done how much and for whom in what capacity, We should keep thanking and respecting the gestures and in turn keeping doing them ourselves. And Stop Calling it as an obligation act .