Monday, November 8, 2010

छिप छिप अश्रु बहाने वालों

छिप छिप अश्रु बहाने वालों
मोती व्यर्थ लुटाने वालों
कुछ सपनों के मर जाने से जीवन नहीं मरा करता है

सपना क्या है ?
नयन सेज पर,
सोया हुआ आँख का पानी,
और टूटना है उसका ज्यों
जागे कच्ची नींद जवानी
गीली उम्र बराने वालों ,डूबे बिना नहाने वालों
कुछ पानी के बह जाने से , सावन नहीं मरा करता है

माला बिखर गयी तोह क्या है
खुद ही हल हो गयी समस्या
आंसू गर नीलम हुए तोह ,
समझो पुरी हुई तपस्या
रूठे दिवस मनाने वालों ,फटी कमीज़ सिलाने वालों
कुछ दीपों के भुझ जाने से, आँगन नहीं मरा करता है

खोता कुछ भी नहीं यहाँ पर,
केवल जिल्द बदलती पोथी,
जैसे रात उतार चांदनी ,
पहने सुबह धुप की धोती!
वस्त्र बदल के आने वालों , चाल बदल कर जाने वालों
चंद खिलोनों के खोने से ,बचपन नहीं मारा करता.

लाखों बार गगरिया फूटी,
शिकन ना आई पर पनघट पर
लाखों बार किश्तियाँ डूबी ,
चहल पहल वोही है तट पर.
तम की उम्र बराने वालों , लोह की आयु घटाने वालों
लाख करे पतझर कोशिश पर, सावन नहीं मरा करता है.

लूट लिया माली ने उपवन,
लूटी ना लेकिन गंध फूल की,
तूफानों ने छेरा तक,
खिरकी बंद हुई ना धुल की .
नफरत गले लगाने वालों ,सब पर धुल उड़ाने वालों
कुछ मुख्रों की नाराजी से दर्पण नहीं मारा करता है

छिप छिप अश्रु बहाने वालों
मोती व्यर्थ लुटाने वालों
कुछ सपनों के मर जाने से जीवन नहीं मरा करता है

-गोपाल दास नीरज

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Uncertainity keeps us going!

How perfect would the paths be,
if we possesed the power to foresee.
If we could plan and unplan, accordingly beforehand,
the fear of the future would not be.
But the thrill in uncertainity,
keeps us going.
what comes next, keeps us rowing.
The actions that take ,
the mistakes we create ,
only happen when we cant decipher the fate.
who wants to be ,in perfect world?
Ofcourse! Me! everyone says.
but that happens when we learn
from whatever it takes.
Knowing the past or future may help
but limit you, to your tiny, tiny self.
Play the game by discovering the path,
or use cheat codes to win the attack.
Joy of living resides in the unknown,
Living each moment,
and not be drwan, by whats gone.
If I dont know what lies ahead,
no one does as it is said.
We all sail in different ships,
far is the coast, and it cant be seen.
Who gets where will be there in the end,
But the proximity depends on your dreams.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

God and Godliness

What is the difference between God and Godliness? To find an answer we shall have to start with the realization, whether which word is closer to us. Which word do we connect to more than the other? If the word is "God" we are traversing a totally different path than what we would have traversed if we connected to the word "Godliness" more. Both these words seem quite close in meaning and do posses an interdependency.In fact, one is derived from the other, where GOD being the noun and GODLINESS being an adjective, means exhibiting god like attributes.

Being GOD harms us, when we take up the baton of becoming GOD for someone, we have to be perfect.We can not afford to be erroneousness at any level. Its always like an examination that we have to sit for, and failing is no option. The world is either black or its white and if it becomes black for even once the pedestal is snatched back from us.We no more remain THE GOD, we become The Devil. We end up loosing all rights to be the GOD ever again as GOD's are not supposed to commit any mistakes.Therefore being GOD means, there is no going back.

A safer bet on the other hand is to practice GODLINESS, the expression of an idea of inner piety, spiritual maturity. A state of mind which exhibits qualities of divinity. Yes, there always remains a chance to slip back, we can now act "god" and guide and then after all, commit mistakes.There is no check or any bondage on your actions. Possessing godliness is like being revered by others without any expectations. This attribute of godliness is whole heartedly welcomed and is felt proud of by our fellow mates,there is no exam instead its added topping for our personality package.

There shall always persist a struggle to achieve the godliness in our personality, as this struggle is not as intense as becoming GOD but yet it enjoys the fruits of the other. This struggle to achieve godliness is easier to win over and if we slip back there are infinite chances.As this attribute resides within us, we just need to polish it out and bring it forth, act and follow tenaciously.If we try this we would realize that number of times we commit mistakes goes down increasingly when we attain godliness, as then it becomes a part of our personality and we become a part of it. Unlike when we act GOD, we become someone else and then falter in numerously.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Endless Impatience

How time just doesn't fly...
I know we have mentioned the vice versa
A numerous times,
But today the time just doesn't fly.

The wait is endless ,
and Patience was always scarce.
Its difficult more ,
As the onset was even more blare!

Nothing is a matter of life and death
but yet it seems life is standing so still
Decisions aren't made so easy I may say,
I know all the reasons but here on the other side,
I am almost on the kill.

Why cant i stride the way i want.
In a minute i'll be here and the 2nd somewhere
I want to live in two worlds together
Missing either is not something care .

Always thought of growing age,
and if time, could stop by.
but today i curse everyone
who doesn't want that time should fly.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Should you believe?

Since past two days I am thinking and rethinking the concept of believing. What does this word signify - Believe in something . What is this act of "believing" making you do . It makes you instill trust and all the faith in something. A deep sense of superficial relationship is made to establish. We have in long run believed in almost everything, specially things that have no existence.The absence of explanation to events, creatures and actions makes us believe in the non existent. We create a fictional character to believe in. To give it all the powers and to give it the responsibility of everything that is taking place around us. It's so easy to believe in something that doesn't exist. You don't need any explanations to back it or give any kind of reasoning. The existence of everything around inexplicable, is so magnificent, and unmoving that if some one , even if a fictional character is given the responsibility of it existence, it become a powerful character to have a believe in. There arises no question to question the existence of this belief , as there exists no valid counter points to weaken this un-daunting blind trust. In fact this belief has done wonders in changing people from what they were to what they are. It made some leaders and has made some the followers. This believe has become so deep rooted that it made the saint a murderer and a murderer a saint. There is nothing wrong in believing, it helps you achieve a lot more that you think you could. Well of course it shows a new found path which you have to traverse now, with new experiences with new learning, but have you ever thought are these learnings your own? These mistakes are your own? They have occurred because you believed in something, these mistakes occurred because you chose to follow a blind belief . The path that was taught to you.The path that you followed, that made you create errors and then learn from them. But, I think the mistake occurred when you started following. You started believing in order to find explanations to things, but the fundamental deep rooted explanation to your belief is "a belief" in itself. It is a belief with no logical backing. So how in the world do you think it can give you answers. To get one answer, you have to support your belief, and in order to support your belief you have to create that many more fictions.
It then becomes an infinite loop of fictional non explanations.Where you just keep hiding or crawling in order to find your way to the light.

Have we ever thought no matter how much we do believe, we still long for the explanation for the existence of things. As no reasoning is complete we keep travelling endlessly in search for the truth, trying to avoid the basic flaw in the establishment of theory of believing.

I suggest in not believing in believing, believing a faking game! The Leader want you to believe in them, to achieve the fictional. He expects you to follow him to get all the answers. But have you ever wondered what made him do this. How did he end becoming a leader.Was he a follower ever?If yes , then he could not be a leader. He is today a leader and had thousands of followers only because he believed in his own self. I am not against the leaders they are in no way wrong! they have all the explanations no doubt, of course they have, as they believed in themselves.They did not pursue following, they objected, they were rebellious, they were against the establishment of fictional beliefs themselves. And they created there own , they made they own ways , and they created there own fictions to satiate their longing-ness to the inexplicable instead of believing blindly in the already existing. I regard the leader more than the followers , i feel that the followers kill themselves to be someone else. When they follow they try to pretend to be someone they emulate, they try and be the other person and invest all their energies in becoming someone else. They therefore remain followers forever following and cultivating the suicidal path.

If a rose tries to become a lotus , or a lotus tries to become a rose .They shall learn a lot of new things, but about each other and not about themselves. They will have to forget themselves and be the other. They shall invest all their energies into becoming the other. The famous principal of "tarey zameen pe" says Every child is unique-I modify and say not only every child every human being is unique. You shall preserve your uniqueness and evolve from within. But if you invest all you life in believing the inexplainable, following the fictional, you are wasting all your energy in this cloning.

Cloning should not be our aim, Metamorphosis should the be ultimate goal. We shall work on our own self. Bring out our own belief system. Not believe in believing , but instead believe in not believing!
We should make our minds mature enough that we accept the world as it it, laud the nature. live with a omnipotent shapeless power. Eradicate the need for an explanation. And not gift the onus and responsibility of all that occurs to fictional character.If we require, we should look for all explanations within us and work towards blooming our own rose or lotus in the most perfect way.We should all strive to become leaders and not misguide people to be followers. Appreciate people who do things differently.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Your Name" - The Jewel closest yet farthest from you

Its most certain that you could guess what my favorite alphabet is going to be... S!
you might think its because of my name, it start with S and so the Letter....and therefore my favorite. but to bring the truth out in the open, its just the other way round. Me being the narcissist, love every part of me because it is that way. But when it comes to my name , knowing that it was kept, by my parents without putting much thought, i might not have liked it so much with a ring of "taps" in it .But the reason it belongs to me more than anything else , courtesy the alphabet S.

You some how grow with name, it may be one of the 1st sane things you learn about your own self. One of the 1st things that make you interact with the world. In spite of the fact that it being the identity that stays with you, travels with you, is you, is something that you can not take credit for.Its given to you by your parents with accept it over the years and start to connect with it.
You know when you name is being called in the role call in the class, its you. You turn around when a friend calls over. But have you ever sat with your own self and repeated you name over 20 time without any reason just to realize, its you!Try it. Well I have experienced it and can say that it is the time when you start connecting to yourself. You take the 1st step of feeling the real you.I know many would disagree with this concept of name affecting your personality. I do have doubts myself whether being ARJUN makes you life as miserable as it was for the real "Arjun". But i do strongly believe in its corollary, i believe connecting to yourself starts when you connect with your name.

I doubt if many people follow this approach because its like "the name" is for the outer world. People know you by it . Thats you identity,but it is for the rest to know and call you. They see you as person "XYZ" because thats your name.But how often do we call ourselves? A very successful psychological therapy makes you talk to your own self. By calling your self with your name with confidence and hope in voice. It make you instill in your own self the faith and courage. Just by speaking to your own self and exclaiming yourself by your own name you can do wonders.thats the power in your name, no matter what is means. Very few times do we realize, that something we are so close to, "our name", something that is only ours, is actually something we never paid attention just stays on and on with us and we choose to ignore the surmounting untapped power that resides in it.

When i did that myself, the ring was different.I felt i was a different person when I hear my name being called out by others and i was different person as I called it out to myself over and over again. World around me wouldn't have accepted that disparaging attitude of mine towards my name when it bought me face to face with person with the same name. She was a person i spent maximum time with my friend from graduate school. My name was no more mine.It was her's and i wasn't jealous at all. I have not tried, since then, the closure exercise of being close to my name because now i exactly knew how it sounded like, how it felt like when i say it loud or shout it out. I had all the liberty to do all all that i wanted to without being tagged as an insane person who repeats her name herself. This was because it was no more my name. It was her's or may be our name. I dont know if she ever pondered on this, but the feeling was mutual. Its a rare and I must say a very different feeling to hang out all day long with a person when you call each other with same name.

I have had moments when i have felt far or close to my name. But one thing i could never let go was the love for my alphabet S. That was something which I had established that even though its a part of mine as well as many others name, it had what i loved, the style. I dont know how you would find it, but the reason is the shape i love the alphabet for its shape. I love the alphabet for its sound...the phonetic .I love the alphabet for its artistic sense of taking different forms.I love the alphabet as its so feminine, and above all i love it as its in my name.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is there really something called the INTUITION?

A power to know things without consciously having to give a reason as to why? Does it really happen, half the world tells me the scorpions - the horoscope sign, are really good with it. I am not sure weather i am, in spite of being one. Or it can be that being a Scorpio i know weather if it really works or not- if at all they have a strong sense of intuition as they say....

Is there really some divine intervention that tell us in a secretive way whats going to happen or is it just the the wild guess that you have before the activity which draws your attention later.I doubt if its really a wild guess anyway. I feel its just an implicit reaction before facing a situation. A condition where you try and submerge in the overtly feared and impatiently expected liquid tanks.You try both one after the other, try and breathe for a while as you are in it.You experience and feel it , and then believe that you are ready for the event.When the task does take the course and the outcome is there... you go... i knew it! I had an intuition.

How many times do we really realize when the good happens.We never look back.WE always wanted it and happy to have it.As good is always more than welcome.When its about the positive outcome we are so over whelmed that we never revert back in time and think - did i had an intuition that i would win. there is no need to go back into the retrospective. And when there is a need, like in a situation where it goes against your odds, you remember the dip you took before.

Having an intuition, i believe is just coming out of the closet and admitting - "I have negative approach towards things and in order to deal with it I see all the sides of the coin before hand . I fear all the options before they happen. I try and live the moment in future for every possible case in just fraction of seconds". If you are a winner, you do not care to think back about the pre-dealing, as heart always wants what you mind expects out of the situation, and when you get it there is no looking back. You are any way in a positive winning land, and far away from negative realms. But, on the other hand if you do loose, you knew it already! As you had already lived the moment. Lived the moment before hand, to experience what you are feeling are prepared and you say i knew it- I had an intuition.

Well now, how good is it to have an intuition , to feel feared? How good is it to think negative before hand and not expect with whole heart what you really want . Why invest in your energies in thinking of the worst than keep the spirits around positive. Whats the harm in being a Pollyanna?

Does thinking later that you had an intuition , and having to know it before hand ,would it make you feel any better, does that intuition drama rehearsal of varied options make you a stronger person anywhere. Does it really change your reaction when you experience the situation live!! NO , you are still heart broken when you loose. You still react as if you never expected it would happen and you still feel new to the decision(only later to admit you knew it:) ).

May point here is when unconsciously , even after you you do your dress rehearsal of seconds it doesn't change what you expect .Why treat yourself to cowardice game of intuition anyway. Just be out and out positive winner , feel bad when you loose .Cry when you get the unexpected....and leave the fearful Cassandra behind.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Living among the dead.

The green fronds coming out of the lifeless shrubs nearby a wrecked pavement, made me think why was i even forced to look at it by the will of god when i was driving .It caught my eye, and i was stuck. what ran through me i don't know and in no time i took out my deceptive looking cheap camera phone and took its picture.

You don't find it beautiful? I care less about the beauty, this one instilled in me an immediate spasm of strength .a hope to live among to dead. the spring of hope to make a living without any support. this one dint care what its immediate surrounding depicted, in order to turn the environment as its reflection its sprung up green all day long, trying to manage the stiffness in the absence of any sign of support, water or soil. it stood there, glowing like as if nothing had gone wrong. Do we in real life get carried away by environment and surrounding circumstances. Do we at most times let them over power our positive ray hope? what is it? A simple bush could does in life and we just give in but don't even quit completely! Life is all about standing still till it just slips away and you don't even get to know its gone . whats the point sitting and waiting for it to go, when you yourself can still go all around it. There is nothing wrong in living when you stand still and keep fighting. But hell shall break loose if you sit and try to live for the sake of it, waiting to die -half wrecked.
some sane intelligence is portrayed by those plants, the dead chose to die and greener chose to live, and none affect each others state of mind!
Don't we have something to learn from everything:)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chalaati Ke Naam Gaali!

Well she is a girl and that is her fault. And if she drives a car she commits a sin. She would get all the tough looks, she would get fingers, the frowns, even if she is standing in the lane which is stand still, the heads will turn and say "What is your problem WOMEN?".

Of course this country will never grow out of the ecclesiastical views, wherein women cant speak, cant dance, cant work,cant drink and cant smoke.Sadly the country has a women president. The society and specially the 'Men' of the society feel moreover that the car was invented for them. They have all the right! Its their property.there might be a learner sitting inside and driving one, but he still has the right, which by the way is god gifted one to lay his hand off from the steering, turn around at her in anger, tilt the fingers of his hands and say "What?"What are you doing?ha?".

Yes i understand the belief that women are bad drivers. though this is a self inflicted one,may be this belief emerged as self defense and "safeguarding your right to drive" tactics, but sadly they have managed to make this belief widely accepted and is working good enough.But for one moment even if i do believe women are bad drivers,i would like to blame it on Men . In fact who taught them how to drive.Well as of now, in support of my argument I haven't seen any female learners driving school trainer.So to put the statement the other way, i understand women have learnt driving from bad teachers, they have been perceived as impatient, rash and confused drivers who break at the butt of the car in front.but, On the contrary men aren't great as well!
Men having to posses the license to drink without being victimized by societies moralistic views drive rash enough to barge into each other and take lives.Men with an innate passion to rally race wait for the wee hours of the day to try out that as well and conveniently run down many pedestrians.Men drivers are dreaded no less than the old feared Red line buses. All men might not be the best drivers but they are generalized as good ones, no wonder women drivers in spite of exceptions of those who come over the bad training, are considered as bad ones.

Although majority play a major role in making conclusions, women have found their way to reply each and every question asked to them when it comes to driving.But now they as well have one to ask ,When Men can drive with a cigarette in hand, then why can't women while putting the lipstick on. Well why not women after all, is an accepted fact by men as well are good at Multi tasking.

An average male driver is considered as good driver, and all the rest,odd even- are average.All the women drivers are considered as bad drivers, and the good ones -barely average. Its hard to accept that she can drive,and to be the part of mockery in making are even those have no idea of the driving wheel what so ever.Well Men, I must say are a super constipated case of over confidence, that even before they learn how to drive they already know they would be better than this women. Anyway even if thats not the case why loose a chance to laugh out loud.

He is driving wrong way, bang on opposite. overtaking in single roadway, totally on the flaw side, feeling like a mouse already while driving wrong side.doing what he should not have done, but he is brave man and this was his pet toy that he can maneuver anywhere posing inconvenience to the car coming from the front.He knows he has done a mistake and may be he is sorry, therefore he sticks his eye right in front not wanting to face that fraction of a second, where even by mistake he would have to look into the eyes of the one driving the car coming from from front.Somewhere he is damn scared.But the man in him wakes forth like a devil as soon as he sees the women driving the car in front. Before she could say anything or prove him wrong.before he could be felt like penny by a women, he shouts back at her! what the hell !

No matter how wrong men are, they are always right in front of a women.
And when you do shout back, the look that says get lost get lost, is not just demeaning but its the look that probably helps them spread the belief women are bad drivers.That look helps them satisfy the ego, no matter what we do we rule this arena.

When a man sees man doing the same thing they saw women doing any where while driving. They would think twice to say anything , or express emotions. May be these emotions don't even exist or just casually fade away, but they do stir up, the emotions of resentment and hatred come as ignited by the sniff of irritation just by seeing a women drive. A comment that could ideally be ignored if it was any one of the same league, but it becomes totally unavoidable if be the other sex.

I feel, poor"she" is always standing in the court of "Judicial law of traffic and Women".She is supposed to answer every look,reply back to every verbal abuse, every hand movement. Its not as if they are saying"what are you doing lady?" its as if they are asking "why the hell are you driving?".

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Just talked to a friend of mine.He told me that they are sitting just few meters away, and they could see his face, while he was sitting in cold outside just because after months he got an internet connection on phone.My heart sank when i had to tell him i was watching sa re ga ma pa at zee.I had to hear "there is no TV no Electricity here".I told him he should not worry, he was an engineer and he would get a job when he get back home, anytime he got bored or sacred!but i was shocked to see the strength in his words when he said i am going to take them one on one. I am just waiting for an opportunity.I told him not to worry, and he replies I am not worried at all.I am happy here at14000 feet.I am happy here, where there are no roads. i don't want to come back!but yes, I just miss friends at times.

I don't know weather he was happy to know that friends that he missed, might be as far as they are now, even if he, would have been here.but he kept saying he talks to his mom twice a week,but he misses college friends.

Someone as naughty as him i could never imagine would land up there possessing that attitude, brave and firm.He asked with a shock who told you the fight is not on!!!Its on and and it stays on. probably he already had an arm in is hand while he was typing to me.He said, he has to stay alert all the while, he can not afford he reflexes take rest. Somewhere he also sounded happy that he dint pay so much attention to those college classes.A brat i must say he was at college, but one of the few polite ones.No one could be more PROUD i say... those teachers who scolded him. or may be students like me who thought he actions would not do any good.As that was past and this is present.He is at a place which would make the president look like a penny!He is where 99% of the population has no balls to be at. A thin 56 kg boy says he has enough strength to nail down anyone with an infiltrating eye.

I really don't know what made me write this today, i was touched after we like talked for 1 hour over chat. i was worried that he should get back as he was in cold but may be he was ON for night as well.While i had to go back to sleep and he wished me :"Good Night": for sweet dreams in my cushion bed some where in town of Delhi.He kept was relishing he little time on the bleak internet connection that got on there

Its said and it true we salute them, atleast i do!and not on those days when the whole country njoys a holiday . i salute them after such incidences.Where i was all enthralled by some reality show on TV and an hour later i am questioning every breath i take now asking was i ever thankful???

Jai Jawan!!!!!!!

professional or fake?

When I sit around people who I don't dislike, in fact they are the ones I spend the maximum time with, in the whole day. I look at them, and I admit I have to smile, I say "I have to" because it does not come from within implicitly. What is it? How come with people whom you don't meet for months, you strike a better cord. Your old friends, your friends from childhood and high school. How come they are the easier lot to get along with. They are not even in touch with you, they don't even know what is going on in your life's, but when they do meet you they are updated in a minute and they say what you want to hear. If I ask why is it that the people we spend the maximum time of our lives, from morning to evening when we work together, we cant connect to them the way we connect to the rest.

How can I be a different person all day long. Speak calculatively, run the filter mechanism before uttering a word . I cant be my controversial self. I cant be what my rest of the friends think I am > "A Super High Woman". Why does professionalism have to change me. Or is that "The Changed Me" called the professional me??

What amazes me is how i am so changed just for these few hours of the day. I have a dead thick skin, enough so not to change me to the core. But this transition-i dint try for it, i just don't have to work towards it at all. It comes on to me, takes over me naturally.

I can talk the whole day,but not on what is on my mind. That I shall do when i get out sit in my car and call up and blurt out, vomit out and then drive back safely.
But yes, i can talk on anything you want me to talk about, on things that do not matter and on things that do matter but to you(May be thats just me).

I was just wondering how people leave one by one and you don't mis them don't miss the absence,you accustom yourself to the place and work and not the people.its unbelievable how a man as a social animal can not be connected to humans more than need people around but they can be replaced by any, it dose not matter.What is important is they should be there when you work.

Competition kills your just doesn't let it blossom , you never know your good friend (as you thought ) might be a very good actor.The life is different for those hours. You are tagged as colleagues and that spoils the show. Any other place where this tag would not exist I would have had wonderful people to stay in touch with for life, outside the premises of that building it could be better, but inside -time is not heals nothing, it breaks nothing, it has no existence at all.No matter how much time you do spend, inside the building -everything is colleagues- under one arms distance of thoughts!

Well the question is weather this is professionalism? If it is- then why does it have to change me.and if you claim i am the same,see me as a quick learner or may be a quicker unlearn' only see one side of me at a time. That is probably the only time I avoid multi tasking! I don't know weather I want to unlearn this lesson of change in -change out. I am going good. Somewhere it does not bother me. Well of course I am not the only one. The feeling is likewise amongst everyone of us. What made me write this today is may be, my over expressive personality, a highly agitated and a controversial soul that i may call myself, does a kind of meditation the whole day in the most important hours. But when i do break the fast of my meditating resting soul.It feels like a quitting smoker just got his fag in the end of the day!

Friday, August 27, 2010

where did they go??

Since the time face book kicked into my life, it has forced me into doing some wonderful things..... my love for pictures have increased multi folds as I know these would be swamped with comments good and bad. ha!new games to learn , meet oldest of friends just to see how they look like now.....most of all , i was forced to think about what I am doing or thinking right now, so that i could update my status message telling world in few words my real state of mind, and then to find yourself not alone again as there they are your friend either liking your state of mind or commenting on it to find out more.

Its great way to stay in touch! no wonder! but my addiction to fb made me think while i was driving back home .A reality check ran through me.I realized that fb was so essential for me that no one else other than people who are on my list on fb are my world. and i had conveniently kicked out the rest, just because they are not a profile click away.

I mean now we have n number of modes of communication existing subliminally ,unlike the old days where efforts were visible when it came to staying in touch by writing letters.Its so easy now if we try in our age to stay in touch but we choose to ignore. don't we know we have the numbers of at least 2 to 3 people always in our calling list whom we want to call and get back and update as they choose not be on fb. but eventually we never end up calling them up.

My friendship with few has faded away, and somewhere I blame it my new found fondness to old acquaintance who randomly pop up to my profile, comment, view,like and go away. I am missing the essentially of the real friends in the name of being in touch with every body!you go like Kho!and you touch and we are there.Its funny that I am loosing more because of fb than find new!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Working with your Spirituality

I have seen what spirituality does to you; I have personally gone through two different ways! And they were not just plain different they were poles apart. It was a difficult shift, a change from one to the other, a change which is responsible for my metamorphosis. Like if people doubt the process of proselytization, I would disagree partially. I vouch for its powerfulness, provided the subject is willing to follow. When I say follow, I don’t mean blindly. The intent and the willingness to change does the needful. A good convert process also depends a lot on dedication with which the missionary keeps pursuing your nascent actions. A guide is required who is not just well read and experienced but has extremely high level of logical reasoning. Its more like a battle which you have with yourself, questioning your sense of judgment as to why you followed something before which you now perceive as flawed, and weather what you want to put your foot into now is worth the agonizing drift.

People, parents and society - question your belief, which in turn gives your chance to negotiate harder, why? Why should I change my spiritual way? Is what you ask yourself? It’s as if faith is being sold out. At this time my friend “the pursuing” makes all the difference. It is what keeps you in the loop, and still keep questioning.

What I don’t understand is why someone would spread or eventually impose their spirituality on others? What good does it earn? Spreading of the law for sure does not ensure abundant good luck if they have that in mind, and well if you have received the talisman, why would you want to leak out the secret that nobody other than you know of as yet. The notion I don’t approve of is, that the propagation of the law becomes the mission of their life. Probably it is the sheer dedication towards your faith and religion which I can not connect to.

I believe in flexibility of thoughts, I see religions and spiritual philosophies overlapping each other. None, so stringent that they drive you into things, which hold no importance. I want to know more and delve in depths, I choose to adopt that I want to. They say there is no point until you follow all the rules and regulations, my contrary point view shall be that the bite of an apple is good enough to judge the taste of the fruit. I have enjoyed the reasoning of one and the other. The stories and rituals for either, and I have questioned my existence as a believer of both, time and again. In the spiritual world of overlapping territories and touching tangents, there is thin line which blind folded believers cross, they land up in fields of religion. Stuck in vicious practices, in the name of law. Scared, to open eyes, no matter even if the brave ones try, they would again be forced to shut them. But sadly, this is not how is it should be, this is not how the environment work’s, everything in the environment has a reasoning, a logic, and not a story, but the problem is not every one knows that reasoning and logic, everyone just know the story.

Philosophy of life should drive you to explore life, may be after a class of basics. Follow what suits you out of the set. Follow what you have reasoning for, “Follow in order to Lead your Life”. There is nothing wrong in changing some rules, after you experienced something and you learnt from it, as a sane human you might not repeat it, even if, not repeating the act goes against your spiritual morals. My point here is, that these do’s and don’ts were listed by men as an inference of their experiences. They did not test the veracity of these principals on every human, did they? How many test cases do you think they must have run in order to pass them as law, which can invariably be applied to all under every circumstance? Change is the only constant thing, and what course these life philosophies take over the period of years is dependent totally on these constant changes and experiences. I have always looked forward to mould my spiritual self in favor of the thought that impresses my inquisitive mind, and the thought which answers my queries, affects my way of thinking from the very next time. Whatever soothes you mind enough, even what releases you from the shackles of rituals, is spirituality for you.

Its not what you believe in, it is how you believe in a thing that makes all the difference, even you if you pray earnestly to a Cola Cola Bottle, it works. Prayer makes all the difference. Prayer not to anyone outside not even cola cola bottle, your prayer to the within, the inner darkness, the fundamental black hole. Prayer illuminates you, you need no sholkas or listen to any stories or wear any rings. What you need to do is just sit with yourself and talk with no voice, and listen without hearing. Explore yourself, sort thing out, accept the mess, take responsibility, make a list, plan your day and then wake to live as you thought. When you enter this state of knowing yourself you would love people around and the environment more than before, it is an implicit love for the surroundings, because they play a role in accomplishing what you planned. Believing earnestly in what you pray for is my way of spirituality.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

let me "peeeeeeeeee"

Its some how very amusing how men don't think twice. They just conveniently let themselves at ease.Probably even if they do think, damn! they so lack patience!
Poor those little bushes who awaken themselves to the rising run are drenched in the toxic rainfall like storm that came from no where,to find themselves all splashed for no reason while their neighbor show the finger and say "So, every bush has a day".
Its a disgusting feeling to see species of your own race giving your name, shame!what it is that they lack the most? Shame, respect for nature or decency.
My friend says they pee because they can?is it ? even women can , how come they don't-- probably women have enough brain to think. Unlike men. Women avoid the uncalled inconvenience faced due to the act.Irony it is, These Men and they speak of control?huh!
They do it where it is banned.They will stop the car and choose open farms rather than a proper loo on a highway,and most of all they are so proud that they get themselves clicked while doing it.wah what an honor!

Like my dog when he goes out to do his business,he lifts his leg to mark his territory and says "Dogs I was here", smell me in every leaf,this is my land. No different is the feeling for men is it? They feel they have conquered the world by peeing their name (which by the way is a fact).Little do they realize they are peeing on their name while singing ---"" Forget the words of wisdom.... let me peeeeeeee!!!!"""

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I dont know what i am feeling .... a the emotions are inexpressible, yet they are visible.It feels as if a part of me is going. I wanted it to happen but now the feeling is scaring me. what if i am not able to live in the absence of this part.I am happy but that is making me low so low.I am scared of the room being left all by myself.the computer upgraded hard disk would be all mine, except one folder in D drive. I dont know if i would be able to keep my room my way. I am just scared.I would miss him.
Cheers to our sorrows and cheers to out fights. Cheers to your having a good life.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Love ... the word....

Love is the term ,so ruthlessly misused.
longing for it; you say it every time.
even when you don't mean it
you recount,its worth a dime.

you cant get the feelings , you may get the word.
and if the word works for you
wait for sometime
till its thrown, and not frugally blurt.

i wish i had a better word.
May be just the synonym
but yet a better word
just the same feeling
but i want a better word
to prove the veracity,
i need a better word.

it has its own place,
at least thats all i wished for.
but in a volley ,its thrown all back and forth,
I long for a better word.

if i wish i could not use it,
has lost all its essence.
Its monotonous , its the same .
fake , in its true sense.

If there is something like "Love"
well tom cruise did jump on couch.
then probably its just the feeling;
but dilutes ,when you say "the word" to vouch.

Monday, June 28, 2010

forever young

Some times the thought , i will be 24
hold me back, pulls me in .. drives me into to the retrospective
as if this force can reduce it to 21 again,
i bear the brunt and try and relish the feeling.
it was then when i was young , even though i am at this precipice now,
i used to think how old these women are,
but somehow as my age is growing , i feel i am same as young.
i doubt my thoughts of then and now,
i see my self like this and ask how,
mistaken i was to think them so old,when i am as young as i am told .
though its childhood sunken expectation
that sees in me someone that i am as yet not one.
but no matter what it takes the thought does take,
the courage to say i am forever young.

i am despising the ticking clock,
and hating the changing calender.
i wish i had the disease that makes me grow younger as i grow old.
i hate women who are older but look younger ,
and do anything that would make this increase flounder.
i wish i could raze all the yardsticks that could prove my nascence.
and get back to where i want to start again the raisins and crayons opalescence.

Is there by anyway i could be an adult and play like the child does,
but this time i would value the Barbie doll.
I would color the drawing book, with more intricacy.
i know i would be better now, as i am not a child anymore.
but want to compensate for all that i missed back then.
and grow up a different way.

The child in me is always awake and playing,
i don't have to prove that.
probably that child saves my grace off goes my age.
I wish that child doesn't get scared of the increasing numbers and growing rage!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Incessant in Anticipation

Can courage be spasmodic?
its whole sum at one hour and in the other i realize i daunt.
the feeling of both is special, one makes me fetter and the other makes my flaunt.
I hope we call this courage , i chose to believe i am playing hide and seek .
and in the odd number of turns i take , categorically dauntless i shall peep.

surreptitiously mine

how can you not be worried.
how can you just go with the flow.
when i am same specie , and my mind goes to and fro.
how can you be so certain , and yet say -no one knows the unknown .
covert are the paths ahead , i plan and yet i m scared.
is chilling ??the candle that burns up the darkness of the tunnel .
or am i closing my eyes , in anticipation of something chimerical.
you may be glibly secure,
i am besieged as my fears immure.
time is you biggest friend, and it ,hates me.
the clock ticks faster when everyone is asleep , i am up thats all it see's.
hapless i wouldn't take , as i have the magic wand.
i know i can create bridge to citadel .
but without orchestration i wouldn't move a cell.
i cant be frivolous, even though i see it works.
I HAVE MY WAYS..... but i am proud of them only in excepts.


where did i go wrong . i have no time to think .one after another i have task to complete.
i dont which one i did correctly and i dont which i am going to finish with errors , i am always seeing the end result . who is where . and where is who!i only know i have to take the next step. i hope this turns into gold.
i am positive atleast i am not looking back. there is no harm in looking at the end result. but i am not looking back.
I feel young and i am starting :O)
i am a child and i m growing.
I shall as i am take the next step and forget about the rest of the dawdling steps i have taken .
i have strength to fight and courage to take big leap.
but still have no time to think where did i go wrong , if atall i am .

Monday, May 31, 2010

Jack of ALL Masters

Its for the 1st time i realized the importance of Jacks!

I had always, very proudly quoted "women are incredible multi taskers would they be called some sort of jacks as well .At least I would like to believe so . So Being a jack is not bad right?. now that i am not comparing which one is good, a Master or a Jack . Let me just express my inkling towards which is one is better , Or should I frame the question the other way, which one out of the two would you like to be? A master, or a Jack who is the master of All Masters .AND ALSO....when do you become a Jack ....? someone has go through the stage of being of master of that "one thing" in order to become a jack . is it ? Or Jacks always are the Jackals.

I hope the latter assumption turns out to be a personified truth. Being a "master" means being the fish which swims like no other , being the "master" means being the cheetah who runs the fastest , its means being the Peraguin Falcon ,unbeatably flying fast .

But Being the "Jack" Means being the Loin KING !

Have jacks always been the ones who have never had any stories , who were part of all stories but were no the heros ? Are they always the all rounders who only have the big Climax without apparent built up !



Where mind is without fear ... where fetters are broken .....and my insolence is revered . You are welcome !!!